mercredi 29 août 2012

Who uses cherrypy and web2py ? [updated]

I'm a little afraid on the future of CherryPy because :

- there are no new commits since April
- new issues are not assigned since April too
- the page on detailing the websites running with CherryPy is very poor :
- the last commits has been made only by Jason R. Coombs (only 1 person !)

Then I ask me some questions and I have some serious doubts.

Maybe it s time to choose a new framework... Maybe web2py. Why web2py ? Because when I look at this page I'm very impressed by the number of websites using web2py.
But it seems that the project is only maintained by Massimo Di Pierro (the creator). Bad point :o(

In conclusion : if you know a robust framework for Python 3, tell me ! :o)

[update] I realize that web2py doesn't support Python 3 :o( 
Flask doesn't support too.

[update] Bottle supports Python 3. Not a lot of commits, but issues are maintained/followed.

[update] Pyramid seems to be a serious framework (maintained by few members). And it is "Python 3 ready" !

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